Welcome to Gym Svg
"swag for bodybuilders"

About Us

Fitness is more than just watching what you eat to lose a few pounds, it's a lifestyle change, a new way of life.
We like to focus on not just the ability to attain but to maintain your goals. In order to successfully do so there are four very important aspects of your life that need to be equally balanced: your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Without balance in these specific areas you can not only cause instability but injury as well. We understand that not everyone recognizes the importance of the balanced connection necessary to attain your goals in this new lifestyle so we would like to offer assistance. 

Visit our resource page and see how we can help you thrive in this new way of life. 


In order to maintain a balanced connection between the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional areas of your life and continue to thrive in your fitness lifestyle, here are a few helpful resources. 
All of the professionals that have teamed up with the Gym Svg brand are licensed and/or certified. They are ready to help attain and maintain your goals.

"Great men are not born great, they grow great..."


To be considered fit, you must exercise your mind as well as your body. When these two are in sync with each other you are truly a Gym Svg. In order to reach this level we will have licensed professionals available to speak with you regarding any issues you may have blocking or keeping you mind and muscle from connecting.

If you are interested in speaking to someone please fill out the form on our contact page.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Once you have committed to this new lifestyle, go to our contact page and tell us a little about your fitness goal and a certified professional will contact you regarding a diet and supplement plan that is specific to you, your body and your goals.

Virtual Trainer

Once you have got your mind right and a personal nutrition and supplement plan going its time for you to focus on the physical.

 Go to our contact page and fill out what you are looking for and our virtual trainers will get back to you to set up a custom program that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Accountability Coach

Now that you have connected with your virtual trainer, there will be someone available to provide support, guidance and peer pressure. A coach that holds you accountable to take specific actions to achieve your fitness goals.


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